Thursday, July 16, 2009

My Security

Remember this...Since Scott and I met we have known that we are opposites when it comes to money. Money is security to me and it is freedom to him.

We are in the final stages of fundraising and the team was a little short on the funds we budgeted for. Our families and friends have been praying hard for God to provide, even if it's at the last minute. Bless them!

Yesterday, Scott and I were at a bbq with some friends that are with the Navigators. Earlier that morning we had discussed helping them out with their fundraising. We agreed on giving $100. One thing that we both learned as kids was that you can't out give God. $100 seemed like a safe number to me and Scott just loves giving money away so that was where it settled. I left the bbq a little early and Scott grabbed the check book to write out the donation.

This morning, he informs me that he wrote out a check to them for $500. "WHAT??!! I thought we agreed on $100!" My first reaction...there goes my security and why do we even talk about this stuff and $500, why not $200, that would be a little safer? Scott was sure though that is how much we were suppose to give. Even with the initial shock I still was leaning on the Lord believing that we can't out give Him.

A few hours after Scott told me about the donation I had a visitor (we'll just keep this person a secret) stop by at my work. She asked if she could talk to me in private about something important. Once we got in a quiet room she handed me an envelope that read, "I hope this blesses you, this trip will change your heart forever." I opened it and pulled out 5 $100 bills. $500!!!! To my amazement she told me that God put that amount on her heart and she didn't know how or why but she knew that she was suppose to give it to us.

This miracle stopped me dead in my tracks today. God opened my eyes to see that He is always my security and He is commited to us. He will provide for us over in Taiwan and I believe He will bless the church we are working with. I know that He performs miracles everywhere and this was just the tip of the iceberg.

Thank you Jesus for revealing yourself to your children! This is an awesome testimony of your love and provision!

1 comment:

  1. Goosebumps. That is amazing, Krista! I bet you just wanted to throat-chop Scott when he said $500. Oh, Scott.

    Doesn't it just make you wonder why we even question God? The blessings have just begun.
