Saturday, March 26, 2011

It's not about me

Fun things that people may say while you are pregnant.

"Your face is filling out"
"Have you been eating a lot?"
"You'll love the second trimester but then it gets awful after that"
"Being pregnant is so great because you can eat whatever you want" -anonymous man
"Now, you try to stay real thin, don't gain too much weight"
"Don't run, it causes miscarriage"
"You will always carry that extra 5-10lbs after pregnancy"
"Next thing you know you will be old and have wrinkles, time flies after kids"
Not said to me personally, "wow, you're only 24 weeks? you are huge!"
"wow! you are really showing already"
"when you have grand kids, it's the best because you can send them back to their parents"-I have a few years ahead of me before grand kids, right?

Feel free to add to this list :) It's all with good intentions that these things are said but now I am more aware of what I say to people about personal things such as pregnancy. There are no cookie cutter pregnancies and that's what I love and hate about the process. If women all had the same experience it could be comforting to know that everyone gets sick or everyone gains this much weight. God made us all so different. Our bodies and minds react different to the change of growing a human inside of us. I may never hit the stage of "loving" pregnancy but I'm okay with that. I am also okay with women that love being pregnant. Pregnancy is a unique, individual experience that whether you like it, love it, or despise it, should be cherished because it's really not about you. As much as I try to make it about me, I know, it's about an awesome gift of a child. This is about remembering the beginning of a life. Some day my child is going to ask me about when she was a baby in my tummy and in that moment I won't want to remember the negatives, I will remember seeing her in our first ultrasound and feeling her first little movements and remember how excited her dad was when I screamed "I'm pregnant!" I look forward to that day.

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