Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Tears and toilets

I'm so behind on my blog! I am about five days behind. So, friday we went to Taipei to visit ROTV. It is a station that broadcasts shows on the television and radio to teach english. The woman that started the company is in her 70's now and she also holds church services there. They donated us a bunch of CD's to hand out to our students and for our street evangelism. While we were there we got to meet the staff and interns and the music group. They had a full band and the singers were amazing. There was an old man on the saxophone that reminded me of my grandpa because he played the sax. Everytime this man would solo on the sax I started to sob. I couldn't even look at him because I couldn't hold back my tears. It has been 4 years since my grandpa died but God gave me a little blessing that day by reminding me of how great of a sax player my gramps was. After my eyes cleared Eric got up and spoke about why we were here and how he was led to Taiwan in the first place. He did a great job. After he spoke he handed the microphone over to me and told me to tell them why I came to Taiwan and how it has affected me. Again, the tears started flowing. I have been an emotional mess here but it's a beautiful mess of tears from God.

Next, we headed over to a shop of beautiful things made in Taiwan. There were four floors of items that were beautiful, I wanted them all! We picked up a few things but then headed to our next destination. We ended up at a huge garden that had so much history it was hard to keep all the information in my head. It was another scorching day so that made it hard to walk around. The tour guide was only 16 and had been doing tours there since she was 11. She taught herself english so she could do english tours. The people here are amazing at picking up english and so determined to perfect it.

After the garden we headed to a restaurant. It's no easy task hauling around over 20 people in four different cars. I think at some point a couple of cars got lost but God is good and he directed us all back together. Scott is an amazing driver here. The people drive like maniacs and the scooters are like mosquitos, they buzz in and out of lanes in on coming traffic and inbetween cars. Scott somehow handles the pressure like a champ and gets us everywhere safely and quickly. Once we got parked we walked to this restaurant called the Modern Toilet. Everything is bathroom oriented. We ate out of mini toilets and drank out of urinals. How missional huh? It was a great memory though.

The last event of the night was a church service downtown Taipei. We again got lost so we were late getting in there but better late than never. It was an awesome service and a lot of people came to know Christ that night. In America it seems there are churchs everywhere and somewhere along the lines most people have experienced church at some point. Here though, people don't really claim much for religion even though they may say their family is Buddist or Tao. They are very curious and usually easy to talk to about God.

1 comment:

  1. Your Blog is awesome!! Although I wasn't with you from beginning to the end, looking at your blog feels like I was there. Thank you for writing this. It must has taken a lot of time to write that all down.
    Thanks for coming to Taiwan. It has been a wonderful and I hope you will travel safely back.

    Yireh (Ray, Translator)
